Now that we've reached July, let's just see how things are going, shall we?:-
To get to see Arsenal play at least once this year - as predicted at the start of the year, this is not looking good
To visit a country I've never been to before - neither is this one
To start cycling again as soon as the weather improves - I've done a fair bit of cycling so far this year, but not nearly enough. Life tends to interfere with plans.
To generally get the oul' bod a bit more together - hmmm, well I'm walking as much as I can, but it's not enough really. I've had some interesting experiments with sobriety, though...:-)
To move house - hopefully next month!
To either change my car or keep it for longer - keeping it for another two years, hopefully
To have a better year at work than I had last year - pretty much the same as last year, unfortunately
To see friends more - done and done. More to do
Not to volunteer to do anything for anyone under any circumstance - well, I have volunteered for one or two things. One worked out fine and one should be pretty easy to accomplish. But I think I'll stop right there