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Saturday, July 07, 2007

End of the holliers

I've been on vacation since the end of May and I'll be going back to work next Monday (July 9), but only for two days. It's an interesting existence I have all the same...:-).

I got a lot of things done during my holiday (few of which were planned, truth to tell) and quite a number of things which I intended having a go at are still on my "To Do" list (including creating a "To Do" list in the first place). Still, that's all part of life's rich tapestry, as we used to say in Castleisland.

I'm feeling well rested after my long break and, as I understand that things have been functioning OK in my absence, I can face the prospect of returning to the office without much trepidation. Now, that's something you won't get me to admit very often!



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