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Thursday, January 24, 2008


Tesco, for its sins, is regularly involved in product recalls.

Most of the recalls I've seen have been in relation to electrical products. Some items of clothing perhaps.

But the most recent recall caught my eye - it was for a line of navy blue mugs. And the problem that was identified was that the mugs were inclined to crack when filled with boiling water.

I think that bears repeating - the mugs were inclined to crack when filled with boiling water.

I've been using mugs for most of my 45 years now, and practically every mug I've ever used has been subjected to the trauma of being filled with boiling water. None, to the best of my recollection, has ever cracked when filled with boiling water. None.

What is the world coming to when you can't trust a mug not to show signs of ceramic fatigue when they are subjected to what one can safely describe as standard wear and tear? For mugs.

Society is crumbling around our ears, mes braves...:-)



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