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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Ah, nostalgia...

So, I went up to Dublin to collect my iPod yesterday.

Of course, I completely forgot (big eejit that I am) that yesterday was the start of the May Bank Holiday weekend.

Everything was fine (more or less) until I got through that notorious traffic blackspot, Mountrath. On the Dublin side of town, there was a traffic tailback going some 3 or 4 km. I resolved that I was not going to be part of that...

Got to Dublin around 4.10 p.m., did the business (oo, er...) and started to head back to Nenagh around 4.45. It took me 75 minutes to get from the Jervis Street car park to the Red Cow "interchange" (it used to be a "roundabout", now it's an "interchange"...) - a distance, I'm guessing here, of about 6 or 7 km. I don't know if that's the usual length of time it takes to make that journey on a Friday evening, but it brought back memories of the almost-interminable journeys I used to make from Dublin to Kerry back in the 80s - before all the "road improvements" of recent years.

Once I got past Newland's Cross, it was plain sailing. But the thought of a tailback in Mountrath prompted me to consider an alternative route home. I toyed with the idea of turning off the M7 for Abbeyleix and heading toward Cork, turning off the N8 to go to Thurles and then home. But coming towards Mountrath, I realised that I really couldn't be arsed, so I continued on my normal route. The good news was that there wasn't so much of a tailback; more like a go-slow. I drove slowly, but relatively easily, through the town, only losing (according to "Hillary", my GPS guide) about 8 minutes. Got home a little before 8 o'clock. Not bad, really...

My thoughts went back to the earlier tailback going into Mountrath. Obviously, everybody thought they were being clever by leaving Dublin early to avoid the crowd. The fools! Haven't they learnt yet? You can never avoid the crowd...

...makes me glad I moved out of Dublin all those years ago.



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