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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Third thing

Apropos my previous blog, it looks like the third thing has happened to one of the two people involved in the other two things.

In fact, it might actually be a variation of one of those things. If so, then it some ways things have improved, but in other ways they could have gotten a whole lot worse.

I'll help where I can, of course, but this sounds like a job for a pro...



Friday, November 16, 2007

In Threes

Within the last few days, and in the course of the same week, two people, both friends - one particularly close, have given me practically identical, bad, news.

Given the old saying that bad news comes "in threes", and being of a mildly superstitious nature, I'm now beginning to wonder who is going to be the next person and what misfortune will they suffer.

Or will it be me? Everything's going fine chez moi (touch MDF) but who can tell from which angle the bad news bearer will strike.

Back to the duvet, methinks...

