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Saturday, June 14, 2008

New Year's Resolutions - UPDATE

Shur, why not?:-

  1. To eat sushi for the first time - UPDATE - nearly managed it a few weeks ago when we were in Dublin for the Springsteen concert, only the sushi bar in the Dundrum Town Centre just seems to open for lunch
  2. To get to see Arsenal play at least once this year - UPDATE - I'm booked to see the Gunners play Juventus as part of the Emirates Cup in early August (if I live that long...)
  3. To visit a country I've never been to before (this one is looking good...) - UPDATE - sorted - the Czech Republic and Poland have been ticked off the list so far, and there is a slight possibility that Slovenia might be on the cards towards the end of the year.
  4. To start cycling again as soon as the weather improves (this one is not looking good...) - UPDATE - I have gone cycling on a number of occasions in recent times, but not nearly as much as I should have. Still, it's some form of progress, innit?
  5. To generally get the oul' bod a bit more together - UPDATE - see 4 above. And I have one or two other plans that might (or mightn't) work.
  6. To move house - UPDATE - looking more like Christmas to be fair, but there has been a sudden surge in activity over the last few weeks. Who knows, eh?
  7. To either change my car or keep it for longer - UPDATE - so far, it's looking like I'm keeping it, so, result...
  8. To have a better year at work than I had last year (which wasn't bad, but had its "moments") - UPDATE - this year has been very good on the travel front and not so bad on other fronts, so I can't really complain too much
  9. To see friends more - UPDATE - met Peter Fitz in Warsaw (how cool was that?) and my mate Jerry Kelliher the week before in Dublin. And I'm going to the Electric Picnic in September with my cousin Redmond, so I'm doing well here...
  10. To stop wrecking me own head - UPDATE - well, 8 out of 10 ain't bad...



"I saw a saw sawing wood in Warsaw..."

Got back from Poland yesterday. Tired after a very busy, but very enjoyable, few days business.

Click here to see a few photos.

Warsaw looks rather like Prague in many ways. It certainly could do with a few bob being spent on it, but it is still rather attractive. One advantage Warsaw has over Prague is the fact that it is less afflicted by tourists, especially in the Stare Miesto area (Old Town to you (and me...)). However, there is a significant problem with poor service in restaurants and an unfortunate tendency to short-change tourists...

...oh, and for some bizarre reason, you can't buy postcards from the usual magazine/tobacco kiosks. Dunno why.

The best part of the trip was the fact that I met my old sparring partner Peter Fitzpatrick (he of the Pushing & Pulling blogsite) who was over from Dublin on business. I haven't met him in years. The occasion was so auspicious that it has been recorded for posterity (Peter's on the right...)

Would I go back to Warsaw. Certainly.



Sunday, June 08, 2008

Well oiled...

Click here for a link to an RTE news report on the recent rise in oil prices.

The key sentence in the report is this:- "The weakening dollar boosts oil prices because it makes crude relatively cheaper for buyers using other currencies, analysts say".

The dollar has weakened significantly against the euro in recent months, and since oil is priced in dollars, you would then imagine that oil would be cheaper to purchase for those states which use the euro.


Bear in mind that oil is a finite commodity and that the oil producers are purely motivated by the desire to make as much money as possible while the supply of oil lasts, then it is in their interest to address the issue of increased demand for oil (caused in part by the weakness of the dollar, which eats into the producers' profit margins) by increasing the price of oil.

So the sequence of events is not, as the man on the street might imagine:-

- weaker dollar vs. euro -> cheaper oil


- weaker dollar vs. euro -> potentially reduced profits for producers -> more expensive oil.

On the face of it, and somewhat illogically, we in the eurozone would be potentially better off if the dollar was stronger against the euro, as this would mean that oil would be too expensive, therefore demand would fall, and consequently (in theory at least) the producers would have to reduce the price to stimulate demand. However, I doubt if that's the way the real world operates.

And even if there was a guaranteed unlimited supply of oil going on into infinity, I think the oil producers would find some way to ensure that the price of oil would always go up rather than down. You wouldn't want to give it away now, would you?

Oil is such a vitally important commodity to the global economy that the normal rules of the "punter" economy do not apply. Take avocado pears, for example. Hardly the most essential commodity in the world. And yet one might develop a taste for them and decide to buy them on a regular basis. However, if for some reason the price of avocado pears sky-rocketed, the normal punter might say "Naaah, too expensive..." and decide not to buy them so long as the price stayed high. It's the classic strategy for dealing with unacceptable prices. Am I happy with the price? No. Do I really need them? No. Will I continue to buy them? Not bloody likely.

The same simple scenario does not to apply to oil. Unless someone can come up with a truly viable alternative means of fuelling transport and the generation of energy (not to mention providing raw materials for plastics, fertiliser and the Devil knows what) then we will be compelled to buy oil at whatever price it is offered to us. We have no choice for now. The oil producers are in control. As my late mother might have delicately put it "The fuckers have us by the hasp of the arse".

Of course, one way of removing the oil producers from the equation completely is for us to use up all the world's supply of oil as quickly as possible. That way, the producers would soon run out of a commodity to control and could no longer hold us to ransom.

And I'm doing my bit to advance that strategy right now - I own a Lexus...



Tuesday, June 03, 2008

A busy couple of days ahead of me...

Off to Dublin tomorrow afternoon for meetings on Thursday and Friday. Back home Friday evening/night.

Off to Dublin Airport very early next Monday morning (as in 1 a.m.) to catch a flight to Warsaw in Poland for meetings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Back home Friday evening/night.

Sounds like a bit of a drag, perhaps. Still, it's good to be busy, innit?



Sunday, June 01, 2008

My Top 10 iPod Tracks - 01/06/2008

  1. (-) - I'm Afraid - The Cardboard Lung
  2. (-) - Ben Kenobi's Theme - Patrick Gleeson
  3. (-) - Wrong Turnings - Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
  4. (-) - Do What You Wanna Do - Acid House Kings
  5. (-) - Le Soleil Est Pres De Moi - Air
  6. (-) - Hormone Love - Blowoff
  7. (-) - Atlantic City - Bruce Springsteen
  8. (-) - Galvanize - The Chemical Brothers
  9. (-) - The Certainty Of Chance - The Divine Comedy
  10. (-) - Grounds For Divorce - Elbow

