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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An unhelpful case of synchronicity?

I was reading an online article today relating to guidelines issued in the UK on assisted suicide when on the radio I heard the Beatles' song "Daytripper"...

...if I have to explain this to you, then there really isn't much point...



Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bloody Apple...

Between problems associated with downloading iTunes 9 and the joys of learning how to deauthorise computers when you've reached the 5-computer limit, I've wasted a lot of time over the last few days, no thnaks very much...:-(



Saturday, September 12, 2009

...another winner...

Went to the greyhounds in Thurles this evening. Had five winners and two seconds. At €2 e/w per bet, I won about €78. OK, I staked €40 in toto, but this was the first time I ever went to the dogs or the gee-gees and came out with a profit. OK, there was the petrol and a few rounds of drinks for Mrs. P and Younger Daughter, but still...

...I sense an order with Mr. Thomann for an EZ Drummer...



The Irish summer...

...a fine week in June and a fine week in September. And in between? Bah...:-(.



Monday, September 07, 2009

For an (almost guaranteed) good night's sleep...

...I recommend a mug of hot chocolate before retiring for the night. Works for me (almost) every time!

