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Saturday, January 01, 2011

2010 vs 2011

Time to do the annual resolution review thingy (I know you all enjoy it so much...)

2010 Resolutions

  1. To get to see Arsenal play at least once this year - FAILED. Just not in the form for discretionary travel in 2010...:-(
  2. To visit a country I've never been to before - FAILED. As per 1 above, plus nowhere interesting came up during the course of the working year
  3. To start cycling again as soon as the weather improves - EPIC FAIL, as you might say. I think I went cycling once. Had a puncture. End of story.
  4. To generally get the oul' bod a bit more together - FAILED. I stuck with the Wii Fit for a while, but fell off the wagon fairly quickly once I was back at work.
  5. To undergo a spot of elective surgery - I discussed the matter with my consultant and came to the conclusion that there were too many risks involved, so I decided not to go ahead with it. And that concludes that matter.
  6. To either change my car or keep it for longer - SUCCEEDED. Sold the Lexus - bought a Prius. Delighted with it. But Mrs. P is on notice that as soon as I come across an affordable Lexus hybrid, I'm in like Flynn
  7. To have a better year at work than I had last year - SUCCEEDED pretty much, although I went through a ropey enough patch in the Autumn
  8. To see friends more - EPIC FAIL
  9. Not to volunteer to do anything for anyone under any circumstance - SUCCEEDED
  10. To stop wrecking me own head - SUCCEEDED pretty much

And so to 2011:-

  1. To get to see Arsenal play at least once this year
  2. To visit a country I've never been to before
  3. To start cycling again as soon as the weather improves
  4. To generally get the oul' bod a bit more together
  5. To start doing a bit of handiwork around the house
  6. To get back into doing a bit of picture painting (I kid you not...)
  7. To have a better year at work this year than I had last year
  8. To see friends more
  9. Not to volunteer to do anything for anyone under any circumstance
  10. To stop wrecking me own head.

Watch this space...



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